Saturday, July 17, 2010

"The Movie"

Dear Girlfriend in Jakarta,

Hello! How are you? I'm missing you so bad but as usual I'm containing it within myself. I've been writing a short story lately. I'll let you read it when it's finished.
I ran out of load last night that's why I wasn't able to reply. I tried texting your Chikka number using my mom's phone but I think you don't receive it. I'll try to be always loaded so that we could text each other. (P2.50 per text to Chikka).
Anyway, it's nice that you found some friends immediately and it seems you guys would have a lot of fun with all those; pool drinking, bar going, working together, mall-ing sessions. I'm in the process of readying to let you go if ever you and your guys would really "get into 'it'". Hope you guys would have unending fun.
Finally, I'm easing into a healthier lifestyle, no booze nor smokes. I wake up early in the morning for a jog and do some body-weight exercises in the evening after dinner. I Wish I would achieve what I want.
That's it for today, babe. I love you!

Missing you so much,

Your boyfriend in the Philippines